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Image by Jason Wong

Technical and Multimedia Documents

These samples are projects I created in college classes, but they demonstrate my ability to create work that reaches beyond the classroom.  All of these documents compile and analyze research, expanding on concepts with practical applications.



Recommendation Report

"The goal of the assignment was to write a formal recommendation report (following strict formatting guidelines) focusing on an issue in the field the student was interested in entering after graduation.  I chose for my report to focus on the use of technology in editorial departments in the publishing industry and posited that technology should be used more often in order to keep editing careers relevant in the modern world.  Since this report was prepared in the middle of the pandemic, one of the key angles I took in the report was considering how COVID-19 would affect the publishing industry, especially in regard to editing technology and processes."


Project Website

"The goal of my TRIP Project Portfolio Site is to demonstrate how collaborative writing processes are valuable in the workplace.  First, I will posit that though the written product is valued over the process used to create it in professional contexts, that effective writing processes must be taught to employees to benefit companies in the long run.  Second, I will address how collaborative writing doesn't come naturally, considering how frequently writing is viewed as an individual process, and therefore training employees how to write collaboratively is essential."

Working at the Office


Student Looking at Building


"The assignment required the student to create a fictional nonprofit and explore multiple professional writing formats by creating promotional materials for it.  I chose to focus my nonprofit on helping senior students from first-generation and low-income communities in DuPage county get into local community colleges and succeed in them.  This newsletter was written in the middle of the pandemic, and this necessitated an angle of writing which addressed how (theoretically) this nonprofit would function appropriately during COVID-19. "

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